Steelers ready for do-or-die Knights clash

If ever a team personified the well-worn ‘next man up’ mantra, it would have to be the Shaun Timmins-coached SG Ball Steelers.

Having lost several players to season-ending injuries and others for large chunks, Timmins has been forced to use every squad member this year and then some, even calling up a player from the Harold Matthews Cup side in the final round last week to get the job done.

Broken legs, dislocated shoulders, busted knees—this team has had it all this season but still has somehow managed to scrape its way to an elimination final against the Newcastle Knights this Saturday at Leichhardt Oval.

Such has been the injury toll; towering second-rower Jarrah Treweek, standing at 195cm and weighing 105kg, is the only forward to start all nine rounds this season.

‘I try my best to turn up each week and give it my best shot,” Treweek says.

“We’ve had so many injuries, so I guess I was lucky to get through unscathed.”

Keeping it simple

The Milton Ulladulla Bulldogs junior credits Timmins and his assistants, ex-NRL players Mark Riddell and Bryan Norrie, with being able to keep things simple for the ever-changing line-up.

“They bring a wealth of knowledge, and you can really see it in the way we play.

“They tell us to run hard, tackle hard, do the simple stuff, and then play off the back of that,” says the 18-year-old.

A latecomer to the rep scene, Treweek started playing for Bulldogs in Under 12s. making his first-grade debut last season.

“I played three games in 18s and then got called up to play the rest of the year in first grade.

“I didn’t really make any rep sides up until the Laurie Cup Cup last year and then progressed through to SG Ball.”

Toughening up

Treweek says the week-to-week grind in first grade helped toughen him up for the rigors of rep footy.

“It was a big step up. You could feel it on Mondays a lot more than you do in under 18s.”

Despite his on-field success this season, Treweek still pinches himself occasionally.

“From where I was a couple of years ago, thinking I was never going to make a rep side, to now going into an SG Ball semi-final, it’s pretty good.”

Whatever it takes

Treweek’s second-row partner, Braith Plecas (pictured left), is another player who has shown tremendous resilience throughout the year.

Plecas played his first eight games off the bench, plugging gaps where needed, before making the starting side in round nine.

“There’s a motto Timmo has for us: ‘ Whatever it takes,’ Plecas explains.

“Everyone is thinking ‘whatever it takes,’ doing it for the injured boys. Whoever has come into the team through injury has done an amazing job.”

“I’m really grateful for these opportunities, and thank the coaching staff for relying on me and trusting me.”

Ready to rip

Like Treweek, Plecas also made his first-grade debut last year for his local club, Corrimal.

“Making my debut and playing a fair few games in grade last year gave me a lot of confidence coming into SG Ball,” Plecas said.

Plecas says the team is focused and ready heading into the sudden-death showdown with the Knights.

“Everyone is positive and has high energy, and that’s what you want leading into elimination finals.

“I’m ready to rip in this weekend and do my job.”

Read More>> Team List

SG Ball Finals | Week 1 | Leichhardt Oval | Saturday, 13 April

  • 4.45pm – Illawarra Steelers (6) v Newcastle Knights (3)